
January 26, 2011

.: 10 Ways to build your child's self-esteem

1. Give unconditional love. A child's self-esteem flourishes with the kind of no-strings-attached devotion that says, "I love you, no matter who you are or what you do." Your child benefits the most when.....

2. Pay attention. Carve out time to give your preschooler your undivided attention. That does wonders for your child's self-worth because it sends the message that you think he's important and valuable. It doesn't have to take.....

3. Teach limits. Establish a few reasonable rules for your preschooler. For einstance, if you tell your child he has to eat his snack in the kitchen, don't let him wander around the family room with his crackers and fruit the next day. Or if you.....

This is a GREAT article from Baby to view the full list.

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